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捷波与欣亿达致力于专业工业电脑主板及电脑周边设备的研发、生产与销售,主要产品有:工业级嵌入式主机板、工业级准系统、机架式服务器以及工业平板电脑,通过各区域系统整合商和代理渠道,提供OEMODMEMS等服务,分销到全球市场。作为全球主要的IPC供应商,捷波与欣亿达将提供全面和创新的解决方案及完善的服务体系,其所有产品均符合国际标准,并依照ISO9002, ISO14001国际质量体系认证进行生产。我们拥有创新的研发团队,能够在最短的时间设计出客户所需要的产品以满足市场的需求。


Jetway Information Co. LTD. established in 1986, specializing in the development and marketing of industrial motherboards and computer peripherals worldwide. Among our products are embedded motherboards, industrial barebone systems, rackmount servers, and panel PC. We sell through a distributor and an OEM/ODM/EMS to the worldwide market. As a leading provider of IPC, Jetway offers comprehensive and innovative range of solutions and services. All products are designed to meet international standards and manufactured under ISO 9002, ISO14001 quality system. Our research and development team is well versed in a broad range of the latest technology and able to deliver short turn-around time products and applications to meet current market requirements.

We emphasize value, quality and service. Starting from the design stage, we focus on the value that can be integrated into the products. You will always find Jetway products delivering high performance, rich features, and good cost structure.

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